Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I can't take it anymore...

I wish the Hadron Collider would have taken us out rather than a slow painful death by our own hand. I think the people in wall street are idiots for getting bleary-eyed over fast money and selling their souls for millions. I feel bad for the millions of people whose retirements and bank accounts will be affected for years to come. I feel less bad for those who felt they could purchase a $450,000 house on a $35,000/year salary. I have, however, reached a new conclusion on the matter:

Because something is wrong it doesn't necessarily make the opposite right.

Example: I was driving to the men's retreat with my buddy Ryan and were behind an incredibly slow moving, out-of-state, thirteen cars behind it RV. It cleverly avoided about four turnouts despite the protesting horns from the choir of cars it had collected. That was wrong. However, as a response to the slow moving leviathan in front of us a late model Mazda sedan took it upon itself to weave through the slow moving caravan over the hilly terrain and double yellow lines, thus endangering many more people than a slow moving RV ever could. It was the opposite of the RV and just as wrong; maybe more so.

That is how I feel about the current financial situation. It was wrong for companies to run up billions in debt, but it is just as wrong for a government with TRILLIONS in debt to assimilate these losses when the ultimate burden falls on the taxpayer (that's you and me).

Call me an idealist but I always believe the private sector will always find a more efficient way to settle matters; even those it created. A bailout at this point is like giving a drunk a couple more shots so he doesn't feel the hangover, it will help now but hurt you worse later.

Finally, an inspiring Ron Paul snippet to vindicate my free-market views, I also love how he manages to school every pundit that tries to corner him:

PS-You can also digg an article I found inspiring right here.

1 comment:

ZeroToMars said...

I feel worse for people that still purchase a home on a variable rate. Right on, if the government is at fault for what is going to come and there will be large changes in our lives. Ron Paul is still the man! Wish he would go 3rd Party but understand his reasons for not.

What comforts me the most is to know that even in these times of financial stress and burden that God is not up in Heaven saying,"What am I going to do with all that is happening in America? Jesus do we have a back-up plan for this?"