Sunday, February 17, 2008

Better than the Beer post...

I suppose I have been on a bit of a winning streak lately; Beer on demand, Marriage conferences that don't tell men that they are wrong and evil, and the newly present ability to blog from my phone. Well whatever has transpired previously pales in comparison to the paternal joy that I found in a game of football with my four year old son this afternoon.

It started out very shaky ground this morning when we first set out. Him not being the most athletically interested (although very gifted) and me not being the most patient of persons it was an odd pairing at best despite our relation. After a number of failed attempts we left with not much progress having been made in either the passing or throwing departments, it was better but not by much.

Then something miraculous happened after nap time!

God made his face to shine upon us and before I knew it we were playing football, or as my son likes to say, "hut, hut, hike!" Passes were caught and successfully thrown, in fact my son launched a pass as far as twenty feet (he made sure I counted) and started running routes and making the catches. I felt a deep contentment and was quite satisfied before the best moment was yet to come...

We walked away from the field as the sun had set and I felt a small four year old hand slip into mine and heard the words, "Dad you are my best, best, good...favorite...Dad, Dad."

You can now be jealous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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