Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Stimulus Package and the Nanny State Creep...

I received the stimulus check for our family today. It is, initially, a nice feeling to have this unaccounted for lump of money sitting in my checking account. Then as I sat looking at the money a slow hollow feeling emerged. This money was originally mine that went into the government abyss only to return to me after Washington said that we could have it back. It is kind of like when a bully took your baseball mitt as a kid and gave it back only after the teacher made him; it is nice to have it back, but it would have been better had it never been gone.

I have been and most likely will always remain a small government, Uncle Sam don't bug me, kind of guy so it is with slight melancholy that I view this latest stunt. I am glad to have the (my) money back, but it is sad that the government has so much say in our lives that they can play God with my money in the first place.

Statistically and historically speaking there is little chance that we will become a more limited form of government; more concerned with personal liberty and responsibility. Socialism and the Nanny State is the near inevitable creep that happens to every great empire and we seem to be in the carpool lane. It is not my preference and I hope that I am wrong, however I do have an overwhelming bit of history to back me up.

One of my main points of frustration with the Nanny Creep is that a large soulless organization presumes that they know better how to run my life than I. As the always controversial Barry Goldwater once said, "The Government that is big enough to give you everything that you want is big enough to take everything that you have."

PS-Maybe the Government should do with it's left over revenues what I am doing with mine; pay down it's debt.

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