Monday, May 12, 2008

Striving to endeavor to provide suckiness, mediocrity, and a forgettable experience...

I don't generally blog during work hours but today proves to be the exception. I am evaluating a number of company's product's for our future development when it hit me; I hate mission statements. Not the concept of mission statement but rather the wording. It just sounds legal and sterile. Everyone's statement is striving or endeavoring to have excellence or efficiency. BORING. We need more action movie mission statements, especially if you are going to post it on your front page.

How about instead of:

Here at Generic Corp. we endeavor to provide the customer with excellence and professionalism while striving for the utmost in quality.

They tried this one:

Generic Corp. is awesome otherwise we wouldn't work here and you wouldn't be reading this. If you are ready for some awesomeness then give us a call and we will rock your world and blow your mind.

Which one would you choose?

PS-After looking at my company's mission statement I am changing it tonight.


Unknown said...

Hey- That's pretty similar to my company's mission statement: "Here at National Prestige we will eat your babies."

Jeff Zimmerman said...

Rock on. Personally i don't believe it's an actual mission statement unless it contains the word "awesome".