I am still in the process of deciding whether it is good or not; primarily for Christendom, secondly, for the purity of my soul. Of course I believe that the
products I sell are quite exempt from most scrutiny and all the others are firmly placed on the chopping block.
I attend a number of conferences (another one this week in fact), meet a lot of great people, and a number of questionable ones, all of whom want to show, tell, or give me something. I haven't had to purchase a Christian book or magazine in about a year. I also get to hear a fair number of slogans and catch phrases.
It is this new level of jadedness that I revisited a very common phrase that many churches and ministries use as a tag line:
"Loving God, Loving Others."
What's wrong with that? It is a seemingly accurate if not benign statement right? Well here is my major contention with the statement and I will let you decide whether or not I am being prudish or profound:
The actionable sequence of these statements are completely contingent upon human behavior and competency. If, for example, this is the major mission statement of your church or ministry then everything is resting on you; God wont be loved without you and all those others will be unloved as well.
I would submit that I am far too aware of my own shortcomings to rest anything more than mediocre blogging as something to be accountable for. If a Christ-centered organization is hanging it's hat on the efforts of its people I think we have missed the point. The scary problem that we have is that we have missed it so beautifully. Never before has ministry been so pretty and strategically precise.
I hope though, that all of the effectiveness and strategy hasn't caused us to miss what we started out to do. I hope that we are not the church of Ephesus as indicated in Revelation:
What do you think?
PS- You want some great Jesus Junk check this
page out